Jayasankar Santhosh
Jayasankar Santhosh received his Master's degree in Computer Science from RPTU Kaiserslautern Landau, specialized in Artificial Intelligence. He was also working as a Research Assistant in DFKI during his Master's studies. After completing the Master's, He started working as a Ph.D. Researcher in DFKI from November 2019.
His topic of research is "Deep Learning Based Learning Analytics and Augmentation." It is focused on investigating how Deep Learning approaches could benefit in analyzing learning in an educational domain. His major objective is to examine state-of-the-art deep neural networks and provide a novel technique for successfully assessing student involvement in learning and suggesting a long-term intervention of the feedback mechanism to determine the variation in learning performance in students. He is working under the guidance of Dr. Shoya Ishimaru and Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Andreas Dengel.